Thursday, December 6, 2018
Media Representation: Bullying
1. The issue I have chosen to represent within my project is bullying. By dictionary definition, Bullying is use superior strength or influence to intimidate (someone), typically to force him or her to do what one wants. Recently, bullying has been a very relevant topic throughout all forms of medias. Several T.V. shows and movies have been developed revolving this topic. It even has made its mark on the news since it is such a serious and prevalent problem. Bullying is most likely to occur throughout the grade school age, that ranges from kindergarten to 12th grade. Believe it or not, everyone has participated in bullying. Bullying has 3 types of people, there is the bully, the bystander and the victim.The bully is the one inflicting the taunting and/or the violence. The Bystander is the person who is observing the bullying and does nothing to stop it from happening. The victim, is the person receiving the hateful behavior from the bully. Nowadays because of the technological advances, there's is more than one for of bullying.
The first type is the standard face to face bullying. This type of bullying is the most common to occur. This can take form in verbal intimidation or even physical blows. The verbal intimidation consist of name calling, insulting, and teasing. Since these acts occur In front of people, it is often humiliating and mentally scarring to the victim. Physical blows consist of pushing, punching or kicking the victim. This is physically and mentally harmful to them. Another form of bullying is being ignored. This occurs when the bully acts as if the victim is invisible. This act is done to make the victim feel as if he doesn’t belong amongst their peers.
The next form of bullying Is called cyberbullying. Cyberbullying occurs online via email, text, or social media. This often goes hand in hand with face to face bullying. It is often thought that cyberbullying can be more intensely harmful to the victim because the bullies can be anonymous, more people watching the bullying occur, and can be consistent as an attack can be posted with in seconds. Cyberbullying can be more intense due to the fact that it often feels inescapable. The bully can get in contact with the victim at anytime of day, so in essence the attack’s follow them every they go. Cyberbullying is most common amongst teenagers because they use the sites where the bullying occurs the most heavily. These post can include rumors, threats, sexual remarks and hate speech. Both of these types of bullying can be detrimental to the victim, which can lead to suicide and depression.
2. There are several ways in which bullying is represented in the media. One that particularly stands ou to me is the Netflix original show 13 Reasons Why. This 13 episode show is about a teenage girl named Hannah Baker, who committed suicide due to bullying. Before her death, Hannah recorded tapes which gave the reasons why she was going to kill herself. Each episode went in depth into a new tape. Each tape expressed the different times that Hannah was bullied or “ done wrong” by a new person. These tapes showed several instances of bullying such as an inappropriate picture of Hannah being sent around school, and being blackmailed with picture of her kissing a girl. Hannah dealt with several other challenges in the show such rumors being spread about her, being excluded by her friend group and being raped.In the show 13 Reasons Why, bullying is represented as continuous acts against one person. In the show Hannah seems to never catch a break, Hannah is forced to endure issue after issue caused by her tormentors.This show mostly focuses on face to face bullying, as all her bullies did the cruel acts in person. Except for the photographs of Hannah in her undergarments that was shared through the phones. 13 Reason Why also represents bullying as something that is hard to get help for. When Hannah is raped and seeks help from her guidance counselor, the counselor insinuates that the event could have possibly been her fault.
The second example of bullying in the media is the movie Cyberbully which is directed by Charles Binamé. This movie is about a teenage girl named Taylor Hillridge that has to endure several cruel forms of bullying and cyberbullying. Taylor to begin with is teased by the mean girl LIndsay, about what she wears and what she looks like. Though, once Taylor decides to open a social media account things get to be a lot worse. Now the bullying had moved on to the social media sight as lindsay, would harass taylor calling her “ dog face “ and “lardo.” but these comments are just the beginning as her little brother hacked her account and posted a very sexual remark on her page. This comment received a lot of hate messages, such as people calling Taylor a “slut.” The Taylor began to talk to an online profiler which she didn't know online. This person ended up spreading false rumors over the internet which claimed that Taylor had given him a sexually transmitted disease. The profile turned out to be fake and created with the purpose of messing with Taylor. These rumors started by the fake profile carried on to school, where Taylor became the victim of face to face bullying by lindsay and her possy. Taylor ended up losing all her friends and was left to weather the storm all alone. This lead to her attempted suicide.
Both the show 13 Reasons Why and the movie Cyberbully show there own version of bullying. Cyberbullying focuses more on the online aspects of bullying. It depicts cyberbullying as inescapable, as Taylor could reach the hateful comments from any computer. As she did when she got her computer taken away. Taylor ran to her friends house to use her friends computer to see what people were saying. In the show 13 Reasons Why, they focused more on the face to face bullying. As Hannah was called names right to her face and rumors were spread all around the halls wile Hannah was standing in the same vicinity as them. In Both films it shows that both types of bullying can lead to the same outcome, which is suicide. Both the show and the movie depict the victim getting bullied is a high school girl. Lastly, both these pieces of media show that bullying is difficult to stop and doesn't have several outlets to get help. As both Hannah and Taylor were turned away when reaching for help to end bullying.
3. Overall in the show 13 Reasons Why, I believe that some bullying was represented properly. Within my years of high school, I have witnessed students going through similar challenges. The scene where a picture is taken of Hannah which showed her underwear was passed around school. This form of bullying is degrading and hurtful, but unfortunately it is a common occurrence in high school. I believe however that some of the bullying that Hannah expressed in her tapes did not properly represent typical bullying. I believed that having the character Tyler as Hannah’s stalker is not really a form of bullying that typically occurs in a high school setting. However, insistendents as where Justin makes up a rumor that he and Hannah had done sexual things is a more common representation of bullying in high school. These types of situations happen alot and often lead to negative comments and reactions from the person's peers just as it was shown in the series.
The movie Cyberbully is a spot on representation of what cyberbullying actually consist of. It is common in today's society to post hateful video about people. This was accurately represented in the movie when Lindsay made a video taunting taylor. This video showed taylor being pregnant and calling her a slut that sleeps around. The typical mean girl is depicted precisely by the character Lindsay. These type of girls unfortunately do exist in the real world, meaning the representation is correct. The movie also shows fake friends, when time were getting tough for Taylor her two “ best friends “ seemed to disappear. I believe that this is not accurate.While it is true that fake friends do exist, ones best friends stick around through the good and especially through the bad. Lastly, i believe that the creation of the fake user represented in the film is very accurate ton today's society. Many people are victimized by “catfish” which are people pretending to be someone online who they really are not.
In both films, the lack of care and regard for the students suffering from bullying seems to not be representative of real life. In schools, bullying is taken very seriously. With the slightest name call or physical attack, the student that is seen as the attacker is immediately taken to the office and given a suspension or a referral. Also I noticed that in both films the main people being victimized by the bullying were teenage girls. I believe this is not representative to to real life bullying. Bullying can occur to anyone, whether it be a girl or a boy. Bullying can occur in elementary school age students all the way to high school age students, The stigma of the helpless teenage girl represented in these pieces of media are not accurate.
4, From the show 13 Reasons Why I would retain several things. To begin with i would retain the scene of when Hannah's underwear picture is being sent around by text. I believe this is a real form of bullying that is actually realistically relevant in today's society as the use of cellphones and electronics are increasing. I would also retain the sexual assault attempt during Hannah's date that is shown in the Netflix series.I believe that this is a common issue that several people go through and it is important to talk about it. I would personally challenge the fact that Hannah received absolutely no help after reaching out since schools have designated hotline for bullying and counselors have an open door policy and are always willing to help.
In the movie Cyberbully, I believe that i would retain most of the representations shown in the movie. I would definitely retain the part of the mean girl Lindsay posting nasty comments on Taylo’rs page and also creating insulting videos about her. I would also keep the fact that anonymous users can often be fake. It is very common in today's society to be exposed to fake users pretending to be someone they are not.Lastly, I would challenge that all victims are teenage girls, as it was represented in both the show and the film. The victim can be any person whether it be a girl or a guy, anyone is able to be bullied.
Genre Research: Horror
Horror is a genre that has the purpose of scaring their audience by introducing fear and terror. Theses films can often have supernatural entities but not always. Within these films, its is often found that the plot will include the disruption of an evil force entering ones everyday world. The horror genre includes several sub genres. These are: science fiction horror, drama horror, holiday horror, slasher, and natural horror. The target audience for the horror genre are young adults ages 15 to 25. This is because this age group is usually more inclined to enjoy thrills rather than older age groups.
Within the Horror genre there are some common types of content used in horror films. To begin with, every horror film has their own variation of a monster. The monster is often what the entire film is revolved around. In most horror movies when the monster die, the film ends. The monsters in these films can vary, some are human beings such as Michael Myers. Others can be supernatural like ghost or Conventional monsters such as Jaws. It is important for movies in the horror genre to have a “ spectacle.” This is generally what people that come to see horror movies for. The spectacle consist of the blood, gore, violence, and suspense within the film. The power of suggestion is also a vital component that makes up a horror film. Suggestion is when the director gives hints of what is happening instead of directly showing the viewers . This allows the viewers to insinuate on what could have happened, rather than have gore and death thrown in their face the entire film.A hero in a horror movie is just a important as the monster. Within horror films, there is always a hero which is often brave, resourceful, and responsible for resolving the situation. The hero gives someone for the audience to root for. Lastly, the horror film is should be relatable to the audience. For instance, the audience would be more drawn to connect with horror film that could be part of their world, such as a demon living with in a house.
In the horror films, there are several production techniques that are used specifically this genre. To begin with, horror film makers often use several close up shots. These are used to truly be able to see every emotion or expression on the actors face, to give the audience a better feel of how they are feeling or reacting to the events in the movie. It is also often seen that directors will choose to take wider shots “through things.” These type of shots are used to show the isolation of the character, ad that someone is watching.The lighting in a horror film is a huge contributor in production techniques. In these films it is common to underexpose the shot, this gives the feeling of mystery. Fog or haze is used in horror movies to give the shot texture, this look gives of a mysterious vibe to the viewers.Color gels are also used during horror films. Color gels help create a sense of emotion, red is a common color gel used in this genre. Horror movies use dutch tilt shot. The dutch tilt is a shot that is taken at a diagonal angle, this produces a feeling of confusion to the viewer. Low angle shots are often used in horror movies as well. These shots are taken from the ground up, the purpose of this is to establish dominance or power of the character. Jump scares are vital when creating a horror movie. There are 3 types of jump scares: Basic jump scare, where the monster pops out suddenly. Next there is a Faux scare, this is when one hears a creepy sound but it turns out to be a normal objects not a monster. There is also Reveal scares which is when the character closes the door or looks in the mirror and the monster suddenly appears.
The movie IT (2017) directed by Andres Muschietti is a perfect example of a horror movie because of the content and the production techniques used throughout the film. To begin with, the movie has a very obvious monster which is Pennywise the Clown. Pennywise is clearly the monster since he is the root of all the destruction and death that is happening in the town. With in this movie there is a lot of gore and blood, as Pennywise has risen after 27 years to kill the town's children. In this film there are two scenes that particularly stand out to me, for the gore it is when Gorgie reaches down to the swear and gets his arm ripped off by the evil clown. A seen that represents the blood aspect of the film is when Pennywise causes blood to spray all over the lead girls bathroom, which covered the bathroom and the character head to toe in blood. In the scene where Gorgie attempts to get his boat back from the clown, after his arm gets ripped of he is dragged into the sewer. This scene is a pristine example of the power of suggestion that is a common occurrence in horror movies. The audience is lead to believe that Georgie would be killed without physically seeing it happen. Another important aspect that classifies this as a scary movie is the jump scares. For instance in the movie IT, one jump scare was during the projector scene, where the kids are watching the projector movie of it but all of a sudden “It” is not on the screen anymore and the clown jumps out if the screen and begins attacking the children. This movie also uses a lot of underdeveloped or low key lighting. For example when Pennywise pops out in the sewer when Georigie is looking for his boat most of his face is still in the shadows, which give the clown a sense of mystery and danger. Lately, Horror movies often take place in “ familiar places “ so that the audience will be able to relate to their story more. The movie IT did this by having the location occur in a small town and within houses in that small town.
Another example that perfectly embodies what a scary movie should be is The Quiet Place (2018) which was directed by John Krasinski. In this film there one can easily guess that the hero is the Father, played by John Krasinski. The father is considered to be the hero because he is very resourceful, as he has found several ways to keep his family alive such as walking along sand paths so that their footsteps are not hear, or blowing up fireworks so that the aliens would hear that sound rather than his wife’s screams as she gave birth. He also has the qualities audience to find him likable and root for him to live. Along with a hero comes a monster, and in this film the monsters are aliens that have inhibited planet earth. These aliens are unable to see, but have a supernatural sense of hearing which is how they hunt the humans down. In the movie, blood and gore are shown in the scene where the father and his son are walking home and they run into an old woman that has her stomach torn open. The power of suggestion is shown in this film, in the scene where the father sacrifices his life for his children's lives , he screams and the alien charges at him. The audience can hear the sound but they cannot see the character actually being killed, which allows the audience to guess that the character is being killed. In the movie the quiet place they use a lot of low key lighting which is common part of scary movies. This lighting gives of a mysterious feeling to the movie. This movie contains a lot of jump scares, one of them in particular is the scene when the youngest child is playing with the spaceship and then the alien snatches the boy.
More of the Horror Genre:
(Click on pictures for the trailer!)
Halloween (2018)
Split (2016)
The Conjuring (2013)
The Cabin in the Woods (2011)
Insidious (2010)
Wednesday, November 14, 2018
Genre Research Activity: Drama
Drama is a genre in film that heavily depends on the development of relationships and emotion throughout the movie. Dramas often revolve around a dramatic theme that play an important role in the entirety of the plot. These dramatic themes often are derived from relevant real-world issues. This realize on the creation of realistic characters which face conflict within themselves or from an external source. Drama has a vast range of sub genres including: Romance, Dramedy (comedy), Period, and many more. For the genre drama, the target audience is often females because they can more easily attach to the emotions and the characters within films. For men, drama become the target audience when the story line is clearly for men. The age range targeted for each drama film truly varies on the sub genre.
In a the drama genre, there are specific points with in the content that make a film be classified as a drama. To begin with, drama films seriously represent real life stories and issues, the plot stays far away from fantasy. With in the film, emotion and situations are heightened or dramatized. These types of films are specifically structured to make sure that the audience continues to stay captivated throughout the entire film. Dramas plots are built to have climaxes and anticlimaxes to have a variation in the emotion and tension of the film. This leads to the viewer to have an emotional connection with the action with in the film and characters, leading them to sympathies with characters. The protagonist in a drama must be easy for the audience to relate to,especially for the movie’s target audience.This character often is going through an “emotional journey" and has a hard decision to make. At the end of most drama genre films, there is a tremendous realization.
Within the drama gene, there are some common production techniques used throughout the films. For instance, since drama genre movies are created to be as close to real life as possible the director will use realism. Due to realism it is common to see location shooting, and long takes. Using realism in the film also leads to the use of minimal editing to make it look as natural as possible and the use of many environmental sounds. In the drama genre, it is often seen that the director uses well know locations for the settings because it allows the audience to relate to the film more.In the he drama genre it is common to come across the use of close up shots, these are used to clearly be able to see the emotion that the characters are feeling in the film. While there are common production techniques for the drama genre as a whole, it heavily varies on the sub genre. For instance, in romantic dramas, it is common for a seen to be lit up with natural looking lights, this is to make sure that the set is representative of what it would look like in real life. Moreover, in romance dramas one often sees the colors red and pink with in the characters costumes to symbolize love. Period dramas make certain to use costumes in which the fabric, colors, and style matches the standards of that specific time period. This also applies to the props used during period dramas.
When marketing for drama genre films, it is popular to advertise through the use of trailers. Within these trailers, the the core plot of the film is shown, without spoiling the movie. Another common marketing strategy is the use of talk shows, this is when leading actors from the film are interviewed by the host and they self promote the movie on air. Promotional tours and film posters are also common marketing techniques for a drama genre film. If the movie is based or adapted from a book, the movie can be promoted through the phrase “ Now a Major Motion Picture” on the book cover. Having high status actors and actresses in the drama film, is a great marketing device. These” Big Star” actors names alone will attract viewers because of their large fan base. These popular actors often have a huge social media presence. These actors can post about the movie and promote it throughout their social medias in the months leading up to the film premiere. Lastly, it is common for the drama genre films to be critiqued before the film is released as a marketing strategy.
My first example of a film in the drama genre is Titanic (1997), which was directed by James Cameron. To begin with, in the drama genre. It is important that the characters are easy to relate to the audience. This film revolves around two characters, Jack and Rose. Jack represents the lower class, as he is poor and is only on the ship because he won the tickets. Rose on the other hand stands for everything that is luxury, she comes from a wealthy family. This film gives sides of the spectrum which allows the viewers more options on who they will make a connection with ad relate to. Throughout the film it is made clear that their love is forbidden since they come from two separate worlds.” Due to this, the plot showed many ups and downs throughout their romance. For instance at one point they were happy at the iconic front end of the ship bracing each other, and then later on Rose’s family is pushing her to be interested in another wealthy man. In the drama genre it is vital to have “ peaks and troth” with in the plot. This film uses lots of realism throughout the entirety of the production, which is vital in the drama genre because it is important to make the viewer relate to the movie as much as possible. Since it was based on a historical event, the director had the challenge of creating a set that looks and gave the feeling of the the real titanic ship was like. The director had to use realistic props that you would find on a ship and realistic cruise ship set design. The drama genre is known for having realistic story lines, as this movie is based of of a real historical event, this movie qualifies as a drama.
My second example of a film in the drama genre is Cyberbully (2011) directed by Charles Biname. For starters, in a drama genre film it is vital that the main character is easy to relate to the target audience. This was executed through the main character Taylor. At the begging of the film they show her going through everyday teenage issues such as dealing with a nosy little brother, struggling with feeling abandoned by a parent, being excited and nervous to talk to a guy, creating a social media account and worrying about a dance. Establishing that lead character goes through these everyday issues makes her easier for the audience to relate to her. The drama genre is know for the use of their realistic story lines The plot of this this film showed the story of a girl that got cyber bullied so badly that it almost lead to her suicide.This story line is very realistic because many teenagers go through this on the daily, cyber bullying happens in real life. With in dramas it is common for there to be a realization at the end of the film. After Taylor's close call, she finds out that her “ best friend “ was the root of the bullying all along. Also, throughout her painful experience she saw who was really there for her and she realized who her real friends were.
More Examples of the Drama Genre:
(Click on pictures for the trailer!)
- To Kill a Mockingbird (1962)
- The Help (2011)
- 12 Years a Slave (2013)
- The Fault in Our Stars (2014)
- A Star is Born (2018)
- First Man (2018)
Marrero, S. (2014, April 08). Film Marketing: Drama. Retrieved from
Derham, A. (1970, January 01). Target Audience. Retrieved from
Cooper, M. (2012, December 04). Codes and conventions of drama. Retrieved from
Introduction !
Hello, my name is Ariana and I am a AICE Media Studies AS student at Cypress Bay High School. I have created this blog to document my progress as I work on my final project for the Cambridge AICE Media Studies exam. I have chosen to create a film opening for my final project rather than a magazine. I chose this because I find the whole film making process extremely interesting and I am eager to learn more about it. I will be working on my film opening project with my classmate Sofia. I am very excited to begin working on my projects and to bring my readers along for the the ride of our creative journey. Stay Tuned!
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