Friday, March 22, 2019

Scratch that!

Hey guys, how's your spring break going ? Mine is not too hot, last night I had my one and only night out for the break because guess what… I got my wisdom teeth extracted today. So, I am basically restricted to bedrest and gross mushy food… WooHoo! Wild spring break am I right? One good thing does come out of this annoyingly timed procedure… I am able to blog more !

So a couple post ago I told you guys about how in the group meeting the students suggested to sofi that we get rid of the conversation. We decided to heed their advice...somewhat. Unfortunately, we basically have to start over. The conversation in our first attempt is awkward, and doesnt show what we are trying to get across. After a conversation with our teacher, Sofi and I decided to modify our original plan.

To begin with we are adding a location, Cypress Bay High School. We are using this location to develop the kidnappers character. It will give the backstory on why the kidnapper began to have an obsession with our lead girl, and what made her snap. This will make the story make more sense because, the audience will better understand the kidnapper.

Another change we made was the conversation between the kidnapper and kidnapped. The last conversation was a bit unnatural. The Conversation was just odd, and not enough to make someone uncomfortable. So, Sofi and I decided to modify the script. Now the conversation is relevant to the kidnappers background and is clearly a creepy uncomfortable situation. The script will clearly show that the kidnapper had been watching the kidnapped for at least a couple months.

Luckly, the rest of the locations and the planning that went to those locations can stay the same. It's a bummer that we have to start6 all over, since there only a couple clips that we can use from our first shooting, but better sooner than later! We are set with Vernie to go to film this Sunday. Wish us luck! Signing off poofy and in pain… Stay tuned!

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