Sunday, March 17, 2019

Sofi’s Report

Since I was away in Orlando this weekend I unfortunately missed the enlightenment part 2. If you remember from my previous post, the enlightenment occurred during the randomized group meetings in class. These meetings are very helpful because they give you a fresh pair of eyes to help critique and bettering our project. I love these days because I learn so much and get many ideas, which is exciting because I want the project to be the best it can be. 

However, luckily my partner Sofia was there to present for the both of us. Sofia reposted back a lot of good feedback. One of the members of the group suggested that we get rid of the conversation part of the film opening because they said it seemed a bit awkward. They also noticed that we are a bit close on time as we still have 2 more locations to film at. They suggested to make the chasing/ attack more of a flashback after she wakes up in the kidnapper room. 

Sofia and I are going to talk about it in person. In person it will be easier to diss kid the pros and cons because it can get miscommunicated over text. As far as we know, we are are definitely considering their critiques… Stay tuned to see what we do with our film opening !

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