Sunday, March 3, 2019

We call the shots

In my previous post I discussed the fact that my partner and I have created our story line for our film opening. The class after we pieced our story line together, we created a shots list. On this list we have matched the numbers from the story line to the numbers on the shot list to easily distinguish it during filming. 

Below you will see the shots list. If you are curious to which shot goes with what scene, you may refer to my last post, “ Story line time”: 

When choosing each one of the shots, we took into consideration the meaning each one of them would add to the story. We choose to use a lot of two shots to set up the relationship between the kidnapper and the victim. We also took into consideration the use of close up shots to allow the audience to fully understand the emotions the characters are feeling. Lastly, we decided to include dutch shots on our list to establish confusion and madness occurring in the scenes. You also may notice that some numbers have multiple shots listed next to them. For those scenes, Sofi and I are planning on experimenting with different shots to see which suits our film the best. It's always better to overshoot than undershoot! Am I right? 

Sofi and I have decided against creating a storyboard, because in our opinion it would feel redundant. We believe that we can work of of the story line and our shot list to create our film opening. Now that all of our planning is done we can move one to costumes, actors, scripts, and filming! We got a couple things done but there is still plenty to do… Stay tuned!

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